Britain’s Got Talent

Took a little trip to the land of Prince William, Big Ben and Fish and Chips! Got there in an amazing A380 that is really an awesome ride. Maybe slightly overhyped by the publicity it had when SIA touched down SQ380 on October 17 2007 but hey it is still awesome. Had the company of Adam Sandler on board and he said it right about any trip you might make around the world or for that matter about your life : We always forget that our fun is only limited by our imagination! So off we go to the land of GREAT BRITAIN, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.

So let me tell you a story. In 1909, a fine young gentleman who had the penchant for yellow (WHAT AN AWESOME CHOICE!) set up this little gig of a department store called SELFRIDGES. They had yellow as the theme with yellow plastic bags and concepts! So 100 years to this day, they celebrate their 100 year anniversary with a yellow concept exhibition. OH MY. This is heaven on earth…

Yellow Coke Bottles! I bet inside the bottle its also yellow!

Yellow Coke Bottles! I bet inside the bottle its also yellow!

A Classic Typewriter!

A Classic Typewriter!



And then there was Madam Tussauds. Who can make your dreams come true if you ever wished to meet the famous people of the world. And then you can act as if you can do anything to them! If you dont like them, you can cover their faces or you can pretend to hug them kiss them and what not. A place you can just be yourself and still be amongst the stars of this world. Then you realise you yourself is a star of your own right!

You're gonna get it SPIDEY!

You're gonna get it SPIDEY!

Interesting Fact : They have the special one but no ferguson!

Interesting Fact : They have the special one but no ferguson!



And then there was the BIG BEN overlooking the city of London. And boy was it big!

Me and Big Ben. The Best of Friends!

Me and Big Ben. The Best of Friends!

And the thing you can learn about the people of good ole London. Is that Spirit of Graciousness. Thats the true spirit of London. Cos you see there was this TUBE strike and nobody could take the trains to go anywhere cos it were all closed. So the whole WORLD took the bus. And so the buses were packed and there was traffic jam everywhere. Even through short distances…

it was all a sea of red!

it was all a sea of red!

And sometimes along the way, the bus would suddenly change route or terminate unexpectedly at some station. And not a single soul complained. They just dealt with it and moved on with life. Something each one of us could really learn from, to be not so impatient, understand the bigger picture, complain less and moved on with things that happen to our lives. Remember life’s little secret is to put others before yourselves!

Britain’s really got Talent!

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