Obama Changes the World Again.

This is AWESOME. Perhaps the one speech that may change the world and make it a more peaceful place with more tolerance, understanding and celebration of diversity. Amazed at his vast diversity of knowledge  and willingness to embrace all, include all and how he uses it for a common higher purpose. That has been the hallmark of his presidency. Truly the peoples person.

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Obama means Peach in Hungarian.

“The point is what i found at a very young age was that if you only think about yourself, how much money can i make, what can i buy,what kind of fancy car do i have than over the long term i think you get bored. I think your life becomes-I think if you’re only thinking about yourself, your life becomes diminished and that the way to live a full life is to think about what can i do for others? How can I be a part of this larger project of making a better world? Now that could be as simple as making-as the joy of taking care of your family-and watching your children grow and succeed. But i think especially for the young people here, i hope you also consider other ways that you can serve, because the world has so many challenges right now.there’s so many opportunities to make a difference,and it would be a tragedy if all of you who are so talented and energetic, if you let that go to waste, if you just stood back and watched the world pass you by. Better to jump in, get involved. And it does means that sometimes you get criticised and sometimes you’ll fail and sometimes you’ll be disappointed, but you’ll have a great adventure, and at the end of your life hopefully you’ll be able to look back and say , i made a difference

That’s OBAMA’s words from the heart … look at how this aint a pre-prepared speech and the words come straight from Obama’s heart as the audience set him thinking on the spot…and aint that true …let’s live life to the fullest and jump in…we may face difficulty and challenges along the way…but that’s what makes life so meaningful that what makes us human and makes life a true adventure…so go out there and find the opportunity to make a difference…more of ten than not, that opportunity is right in front of you…JUMP IN, GET INVOLVED!

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Imperfect in an imperfect world:)

Kudos to an AWESOME DIRECTOR!:) This is sublimely perfect.

The theme around has been the idea of imperfection these last few days. How being imperfect in an imperfect world is truly perfect. It is the little things that we are imperfect in that makes us unique, that makes us special, that makes us human. Because it is the imperfections of life that make us rise up once more after we fall so that we can create a better tommorrow. And beget no sorrow over your imperfections. They are there to tell you that all of us are equal. Equally imperfect. So accept yourself for who you are. Be yourself today. There’s no better candidate. Be the truest best imperfect YOU that the world is supposed to love:)

“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”

Anthony Robbins

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Random Thoughts for a better tommorrow.

1)Find 100 Smiles. If Cannot find, draw 1 smiley face, and beside it write x 100. Put it up on your wall. Smile and the world smiles with you.

2)Look up into the skies. If there are stars, twinkle like they do. If you dont find stars, know that the brightest ones are already in your heart.

3)Go to Cold Storage. Look for Mr Men or Little Miss. Bring one on a journey to the cashier and he or she will bring you on a journey of happiness.

4)Make a paper aeroplane. Fly it as high as possible. It may come down. But the best thing is that you can pick it up again and fly it high up into the sky once more:)

5)Count the number  of lamposts on the road. Count the number of circles around you. Count the number of people wearing red colour shirts. Or white. More than anything, Count your blessings.

6) Ask yourself what is the most impossible thing that you want to happen? Keep your thoughts flowing… Things will come true.

7)Seek to find all the negative things about life. Chances are you will find 101 and not a positive one. Seek to find all the positive things about life. Chances are you will find 101 and not a negative one. So make a choice. Positve or negative?

8)Create positive energy by smiling, encouraging and sending out the vibes. If you  stil dont know whats positive energy, cut out the plus sides on the AA battery and feel the power.

9)Just remember whatever happens to you is exactly what life wants to happen to you at this point in time. Stop asking what if,why me or blame the world. Ask how now brown cow and have faith that life is telling you a story you need to tell…

10)Some people exist-they eat, sleep and eat. Others live- they live for a meaning higher than itself. And an exceptional others lead their lives. By being an inspiration to themselves and others along their way.So you always have a choice today. Elect the Obama inside of you. And say YES WE CAN.

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A Pebble starts a ripple in the ocean:)

A pebble in the water will send out a ripple effect. With a drop of water, the secrets of the ocean can be revealed. One little spark can make a magical world of difference. So sometimes we ask ourselves WHO AM I TO MAKE A DIFFERERNCE? When all you need to ask is WHO ARE YOU NOT TO? An encouraging word, a wave at a stranger, planting a smile on another’s face, choosing to be accept people’s flaws, choosing to be patient and not angry, choosing challenge over difficulty, choosing the higher road up then the easy way out. These are all small little things. But as often in life you think that life is always made up of the big gigantic things -you keep on thinking big, looking at big things and think of 1001 ways you can change the world. When all it takes is the little smallest things that makes a difference in life. Cos you see, life is always made up of the simplest things. The simplest things you do makes that huge world of difference. Its the little things that count. And in a journey of EMPOWERING LIVES and DESIGNING DESTINIES, the camps keep getting more and more awesome and so i wonder whats the secret formula…and as i stood in the eye of the positive storm of mayflowerians one night in jalan lekar as the whole school stood up to sing YOU RAISE ME UP…i realise the answer is right before me…its the little things that you do to go the distance to make a difference that truly counts. Its the things that you probably overlook or dont feel like doing cos u think paisey…but thats the one that makes you stand above the crowd. The little thoughts of putting others before your self, of showing your true self to the world, of truly caring, loving and making people feel good.What are the little extra things that you do that can make the world better? Do it today…and be the change you want to see in the world-that’s the only way the world can change!So for all the people ive met in the last month doing awesome camps, you have encountered an awesome experience not because the camp was awesome but because there is that piece of awesomeness inside of you. To feel awesome, you must know that feeling of awesome within you exists first! And i stand in awe and wonderment of your greatness to be the best that you could be to create such lasting memories for me and a dent truly in my universe. Just put a pebble in the ocean…and see what ripples you can make…or rainbows….


Making the Rainbow Connection!

Making the Rainbow Connection!


A Whoosh a day keeps your troubles away

A Whoosh a day keeps your troubles away


Make a Dent in the Universe!

Make a Dent in the Universe!

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Rainbows are the sight to behold after the storm!

It has been an amazing journey of difference making, inspiring dreams, evangelizing possibilities. You never know but you do make a difference. You cant change the world, but you can sure do start to change it. Even a little spark will light a fire somewhere somehow. Have faith that what you do will make a dent in the universe of others. For some, it will take a longer than others. Yet they still do… One year ago, i introduced FOCUS ON YOUR OUTCOME to Mayflowerians. one of them was a boy named loic. up to date, he is easily our best ever LIVE! OP trooper. Amazing fine gentleman-words of the teacher. So this year, when i was framing for my Mayflower leaders session, everybody gave me the sign the signal – arms outstretched parallel to the ground-and they kept asking we going to do this right? It was a shock aye. Apparently, Loic had done it with the NCC boys! and the school even had a session where the leaders who went thru it shared wif the whole school what they had gone through! It was amazing. And he even used words that i used! So you see little things go a long way to make a big difference. And in the last 2 months ive seen awesome and beautiful camps coming through with the help of a big and awesome family! Thank you guys for making a dent in the universe! Heres to many more in our road of difference making where each of you makes a huge difference for everyone of us and everyone out there! This is the most awesome job in the world.


There will always be pot of golds behind the rainbows!

There will always be pot of golds behind the rainbows!

And guys, remember you did it well because of the way you make people feel, not because you were good not because you are talented. its always how you make people feel. you feel awesome? let the world feel awesome too! and that’s the secret of those awesome experiences-milestones in your life! HAVE FAITH! TAKE ACTION! You are the best thing to happen in your life! Thanks ladies and gentleman for an awesome start to the year! And many more to come ahead!

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Think Different!

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Read this book called THE OUTLIERS by MACLOLM GLADWELL. It is all about people who succeed and we look at them differently , we wonder whats their secret. We think its an anomaly. Just like snow in sunny singapore or black sheep among white. But there is always a secret to their success which goes beyond just how competent are u…other factors are at play too! and so as 80 per cent of the world think its an anomaly, why dont we think that it is those that are abnormal that stands out from the crowd and truly makes a difference. be an eagle not a sheep. stand up for something. if they are abnormal, we can be too. if its possible for others, aint that possible for you too?

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Every Life Has A Story to Tell…

For those finding their way in a land of opportunities :

1) Past does not equal future. Learn from the past and embrace the future. 

2) Lets find the best time to be confident. That’s now.

3) A ship in harbour is safe, but that’s not what they are built for.

4) Who am i to make a difference? Actually who am i not to ?

5) There are no failure only learning experiences. Some jokes just aint funny to some people-use another.

6) Life is too short for you to be too involved, learn to chillax-chill and relax.

7) Your dance steps must tango with the lyrics, your spirit must cha cha with your beats.

8) Ask the question who am I? Then just be.

9) When your actions speak louder than your words, say nothing to interrupt.

10) Its not just about being the best you can be, it’s  more about being better than you are yesterday.

11) When life throws you lemons, you can make lemonade, put the lemon in a coke and make coke lime, you can make lemon barley,juggle the lemon or rearrange the words and make melon. Bottomline-behind each crisis is a million opportunities!

12) An integer is a number that cannot be further divided into 2. That’s what integrity is all about. What you do and what you think and what you say cannot be divided into 2!

13) OBAMA’S CREED : YES WE CAN. Punch the air and say it. About a million times will do. 

14) Whatever happens to you in life is the best thing that could happen to you at that point in time. That is the very story life wants to tell you at the time. So learn the moral and  go out and create your story. Many people are waiting to hear it. 

15) Success comes in baby steps. Youll all grown up now so you can take bigger ones aye?


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CHANGE we can believe in.

Rosa Parks sat down. 

so that Martin Luther King could dream.

and Barack Obama could run.

AWESOME QUOTE aint it? A few days before Barack Obama’s inauguration ceremony, we ponder what the man stands for. The power of the man and how much greatness beckons in the path he is about to cross. And we are brought to a time in life where we wonder where have all the heroes gone? Heroes who do not need to change the world but heroes who stood up for what they believed in, had unyielding faith in humanity, who made a difference by showing the world who they truly were and people were moved by them, moved into believing once more that hope was just behind despair, progress was around the corner of struggle and sunshine will come out from the darkness. In a world full of misgivings, Obama gives us strength not by what he has in store for the universe, and not by the power of his words. He gives us strength truly by urging us to unleash once more the HERO GENERATION (a term coined by Robin Sharma), of each individual being who we truly are to the world and impacting the world around us just by being that. Be the change you want to see in the world. Be Yourself. There’s no better candidate. Let your light shine. And in a world full of impossibilities and cants, just shut it all our and remember that YES WE CAN. YES WE CAN.

And yes, im going to use obama’s ways and words for my trainings from now on! YES I CAN!

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Hitch the Life Coach.

For those of you wondering what this whole coach training is all about… Well simply we run programmes for schools in experiential learning and life skills where students go a journey to discover things about themselves and each other.

And in doing so we train and nurture coaches who will be the frontrunners of this programme, impacting lives and making a difference.

And so we ask ourselves what makes a coach tick? How do we best deliver the message of how to be a good coach or what does a coach need?….


I have a new movie to show the art of coaching! HITCH! Huh? would be the response. Let me explain. HITCH is just like the coaches you and me are impacting lives out there aplenty. First of all, as you will know in the movie HITCH, what he does in the end diddnt make a difference to whether the boy got the girl…what mattered in the end was what the boy did on his accord in the end. All that HITCH did was evangelize the possibility, created that sense of self-belief and put a spark in each of his clients for them to live the life of their dreams…This last sentence…familiar to you coaches? What your students do will be to their own accord, their own endeavour their own actions-only they can motivate themselves. Just like Hitch’s clients in the movie-all he did was talk them into having big enough shoes to chase the girl of their dreams. 

Teach a student for a day and he will pass his exam. Empower them for a moment and they can grab the life that they always dreamed of…

And perhaps the most striking message we can derive from the reel life of HITCH i s about walking the talk and being genuine to what you say.Because in the end, it was easy for Hitch to say so many stuff to other people. Yet, the toughest challenge was not in dishing out strategies after strategies(in the end u realise in the movie hitch all his strategies he advocated were of little consequence)-but in being true to himself and unleashing his greatest best self…

So you see in becoming a coach all you need is yourself. Your truest best self will unleash the greatness in the world around you. No false pretenses or alter egos. Be true to yourself.

You have a story to tell and an audience is waiting…

“Live life as if for one purpose. Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away…”-Alex Hitchens 

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Of Childhood Dreams

The last sentences sends chills down your spine, makes your hair stand and inspires you to live life the right way…

This is a legacy.

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Empowering Lives, Designing Destinies.


Hey People of the World + Visitors from all around the Globe. This 2009 me and my friends at my family of a workplace are looking for young, vibrant and dynamic gals and boys to become coaches in our empowering programmes that span out to many schools in Singapore. The only criteria is for you to be teacheable and learn something new each day. Ever wanted to be like that motivational speaker we always see or hear but didnt think you could? Let me tell you these are skills that can all be learnt and refined just like a carbon that is polished to become a gem! Seize this opportunity and embark on a life-changing journey that will bring out the best in you:) Join in, bring a friend or spread the news! We will be starting COACH TRAINING sessions on 10th to 12th of December at the AKLTG Training Centre. Register your seats today, fasten yourseatbelts and embark on the journey of your lives!

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”-Dr Seuss

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The Box of Candles

Once upon a time there was a blackout in the village. So a man decided to look inside a cupboard to find candles to light up the darkness. But the candles refuesed to move! He was puzzled. That was when he heard a few voices rattling about. And he went, “Whos there?”

“Me,” said one candle. And he went on ,”I’m not ready yet. I need to research on lighting up. I do not want to do a half pass ten job in lighting up. That sucks. I’m scared. Dont pick me just yet.”

“All right,” said the man. “I’ll pick the next one in the box.”

And the next candle said,”No not me. i need to meditate about giving out light first. Then can i do a good job.”

The man was puzzled and it was then he heard another voice.

“Not me either. I need to get my life together first and sort out all my problems. I’m so not ready.”

And another voice,”Even though I’ve never been lit up, I know I won’t do a good job. I can only sing-that’s what I do best in my little corner. I’m going to sing for you guys so that you can do a good job lighting up.”

And with that the four candles sang the song “This Little Light of Mine” together. 

“What a weird sight,” the man thought. “Four perfectly healthy candles singing about lighting up  and none wanting to step out of the closet…”

Sometimes you find darkness in this world, but why do some of us wait in the closet and always tell ourselves we are not ready to let our light shine. We are all like candles. We were meant for our light to shine. To make a difference to the world around us no matter how small or weak or no matter how many imperfections we may have. If we listen to our calling and give out our best with what we have, more often than not, we will always find ourselves shining the brightest when it is always the darkest. Let your light shine today. Remember you are the light of this world, and each of us were meant to shine. And as we shine brightly in our best spark, we start the spark for others to shine as well…


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Messages on the wings of angels

I dedicate this post to Lo Hwei Yen, whose life has been taken away from her due to the rash inhumane act of terrorism. She was my senior in JC, arts faculty. And many years later, as I see her face in the front pages, I do roughly recall her and I can tell, even though I may not have been close to her, she was a light to the presence of those around her. A light that will sorely be missed by many. Let’s all observe a minute of silence for the passing of  one we may not know but yet seem so close to our hearts. And also to those many others who had passed on in the Mumbai bombings or other rash acts of terrorism that seemed a distance away. A distance we taught was really far away even though we keep seeing it on television. A distance we only find so much closer that one of the daughters of Singapore has fallen victim. If we had New Years wishes, it would be for really down to world peace. Yes in recent times, the world seems to have gotten from bad to worse. Yet let us all still have faith, lets us all inspire hope within ourselves, a hope that will vanquish all differences, violence and misery. Let us have faith in the power and integrity of the human spirit. Let us not make her death to be in vain, let us make a difference to the world by showing and guiding each other towards having a stake in our future, towards celebrating our differences, reaping our togetherness and living with compassion. The more we can do this, the less people will turn to the dark side to the wayward means of violence that only serves as a temporary search of power. Do remember that the ultimate power lies in our ability to love. And it is with the power of love that we the sons and daughters of Singapore send the deepest of condolences to Ms Lo’s family, and it is with the power of love that we send our greetings to her, amidst the wings of angels in another world. And it is with love that she will truly be remembered by all for now till eternity. Let her death not be in vain and let us all understand the true power of compassion and love to combat what seeming unfairness may befall our life’s journey…

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At the Finsih Line of the Season…

It has been a long while and i am back here! It has been basically been a whole long month and for those of you uninitiated to me I have been running camps and empowering programmes for teenagers and children for these last month. 11 camps actually from 20 october to 28 november. 1280 lives and paths crossed. It has been a hectic period, stressful at times, fun many times, moving even more times, and never short of awesome. 

And i am proud of every single one of them. from the patricians and changkat titans who have walked the streets of Singapore and reached beyond the limit to be the best they could be. You have been introduced to a special person in your life my friends-your truest best selves! Anything is possible if you believe! Have faith!


As well as to the chongfu leaders who have shown a certain sense of maturity beyond their ages and has shone brightly with the light that is in their hearts..


And as we teach we learn more things from others, from ourselves about life…life’s little discoveries are unearthed by doing and not by listening and watching. And the greatest human power we have is our power to be weak. To stand below someone-no matter how small-and put yourself in a frame to learn from what he or she has to say or do…Our greatest strength is our ability to learn each and every single day-and only when we do can we become stronger each day. That is what they mean when they said life is a continous learning journey. We do learn something new each and every day of our lives…

And as continue my journey on empowering lives i would like to say a nice shoutout to the teachers of de lasalle who has truly demonstrated the passion of teaching and caring for their children just by their actions and the wonderful candle ceremony that has inspired us in inspiring and empowering more lives….and mr ng chong jin for st pats…for having that passion to make a difference and how his unique use of words and tonality can inspire each and everyone of us towards excellence…and how he could pick up so easily from other people’s actions to build instant rapport! Patricians and LaSallians you are definitely lucky to have such a wonderful environment and will grow up to be fine young ladies and gentleman…

It has been a wonderful journey and as i conclude my first year in AKLTG i must say i have no regrets at all. There has been challenges and difficulties and yet its is only because these happened that i can become stronger and achieve the heights that I have been to. I have also been blessed with a wonderful family of trainers and coaches who have excellence, fun and gratitude written into their DNAs. And together we can be that difference that makes a difference in the lives that we cross in the future…

And with a warm welcome to Ms Tay Pei Yun officially into the AKLTG  family,2009 will be a year where we once again light a candle in the lives of others…cos all of us are candles that we meant to shine…

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Quote of the Day.

“Sometimes when you find yourself in the shadows and your life is full of darkness, look for the light cos to begin with there must have been a light that cast that shadow. Keep looking for that spark cos on the other side of darkness is the light at the end of the tunnel that will lead you to your brightest future….”

So every time you feel down go sun tanning and cast the shadows away….

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Living with an Attitude of Gratitude

Today is Hari Raya. And you know what is the one thing special about it ? It teaches the full meaning of the phrase “Living with an attitude of gratitude” Its all about the art of giving. In order to receive you must first learn how to give. See what happens when you put others before self, when you just give without expecting anything in return. Look at the eyes bright up when the little kids get their ang pows or green packets and flash that million dollar smile…no matter how much u put in that packet, how would u feel then? so u see giving itself begins the process of receiving. And when you give and create value for those around you, you find a satisfaction and fulfilment unfounded in any other corner of the planet.And at times it is through that that you find the meaning in life…to give yourself to a cause above yourself, something greater than yourself…So on this day you remember that we all live in a common community, on a not so lonely planet and we are all humans. And as we strengthen our bonds and learn more about one another, we unleash the true force of the human spirit : to live with an attitude of gratitude, be thankful of what has been bestowed upon us from above and give hope to others, cos sometimes that’s the spark that someone needs to believe that he or she is special on this earth. We all are. 

And yet today is also children’s day. So let us also take some time out to remember how we were when we were young. when we were  seven. or eight. the dreams that we had. No false expectations we had to live up to. Or beliefs that put us down. Or limits constrained upon us by society. Feel the things we didnt care about. the things we did care about. our dreams. our hopes. our sense of adventure. our spirit of never looking back and only going forward. think about what has happened to that spirit all these years…what happened to that kid inside of you? Where is he or she now? Bring back that state, step back into that child’s shoes and now armed with the knowledge you learn all these years, learn to live life with a child-like(not childish) spirit once more…What are the possibilities then? Remember, the world is our playground. Now , more than ever, come out and play! Your life will never be the same again…

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Thoughts from Sri Lanka.

Writing this post from Sri Lanka. From my retreat…its a quite nice place but pics will come later.Having lots of fun and getting lots of work done too. Lots of happening stuff are in store for the future… and as i look at how my life has turned out in the past year, i will say this is such a great family (not job not career) to be part of..the feeling is awesome and its like when you were little and u thought of your dream job- really this is it. Its what you always wished for when you were graduating from school and hope to get a good job.  So to the one who is coming on board soon, it will be a bright new future and happy new beginnings, come enter this world of possibilities where each day you find yourself always on top of your game! This is the best job in the world…Empowering Lives Evangelizing Possibilities.

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Chruchill Wisdom

Winston Churchill was once interviewed and he proclaimed. “I can tell how this successful a man will be in future.” And the journalist asked him HOW?! Do you have psychic powers? And Churchill said .”No not that sort of thing…

I can tell by two things. One is the friends he has Because by the friends he have…cos the friends he has will determine the kind of conversations he undertakes. This will develop and tap the greatest resources of the mind and determine the kind of focus he will have to achieve his goals.

The second is by the books he read. Because all the works of the greatest masters from Plato to Jung have been recorded in between pages…And that is the secret to success to learn from the great thinkers. 

There is an infinite amount of resources and potential power in the world! And the good news is you too can tap upon it…Remember infinite goodness has wide arms=)

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10 Things you need to know about HAPPINESS

10 Things you need to know about Happiness

1. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.

2. Happiness is not a destination, its a choice.

3. Being happy has a healing power- thats why you call it HappyNurse.

4. Never ever chase happiness, let it chase you.

5. Every Hour is Happy Hour

6. Happiness is not having what you want, it is wanting what you have.

7. Happiness is not something you carry in your hand, it is something you have in your heart.

8.2 Heaping cups of patience

1 Heart full of love
2 Hands full of generosity
Dash of laughter
1 Head full of understanding
Sprinkle generously with kindness
Add plenty of faith and mix well.
Spread over a period of a lifetime
And serve everyone you meet.

9. I only gave you 9. Choose to be HAPPY!

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What About Now.

We ask ourselves who i am to make a difference? Actually who are you not to be? There once was a story of a man who complained about his shoes, then he saw a man without feet. So today, what can you do to make a difference to someone’s life out there? Martin Luther got it right when he said : Life’s most urgent question is to put others before self. I suppose our sole purpose in life is to create value , to enhance someone’s life out there. Test it out. How do you feel? More than a million bucks i guarantee. So when is a good time to start making a difference? What About Now.

[Inspired by Oprah’s BIG GIVE : Give Big or Go Home. It makes you realise that the true value of the show is not in getting not eliminated but in just making people smile by your actions, and to pass on that spirit to to others…Thats the beauty of the human spirit…a candle can only go stronger by lighting another…and hey its like perhaps the only show that when the contestant gets eliminated they dont go bitching they have been touched to be part of this magical experience.]

i assure you. this concept will be built into AKOC soon!:) Stay tuned.

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Dr Seuss Returns!

It’s time for another Dr Seuss Classic :

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in another direction you choose .You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You’re the guy who’ll decide where to go.”

This is the perfect Swinging Log framing. You are the pilot of your destiny. 123 Fly.

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The Name of the Game.

I think ABBA Mania is back once more. Ever wondered how ABBA makes a difference in our lives? Its simple really.

When you were little you always found yourself saying I HAVE A DREAM. and you realise you have wishes that you want to come true. So you shouted out loud GIMME GIMME GIMME. but sometimes you realise for some dreams to come true you needed MONEY MONEY MONEY. Sounds like a setback. And sometimes when you face setbacks you sound the SOS and find things SLIPPING THROUGH YOUR FINGERS.But fear not cos there is always a way for you. So lets go back to our rooms, lock the doors and turn on the music and feel what its like to be the DANCING QUEEN.Shhh….DOES YOUR MOTHER KNOW?Look then into the mirror and say TAKE A CHANCE ON ME and as you recall the beauty of our dreams you whisper into our hearts LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME! KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU lets give life our best shot, after all aint that THE NAME OF THE GAME? So when life gives you lemons shout MAMMA MIA, be a SUPER TROUPER cos after all, THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL! And remember WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE all you have to do is say THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC:)

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